Feminization Phone Sex

Feminization phone sex calls are always hot when I’m talking to Sissy Steffie! I just love it when she calls my kinky feminization phone sex hotline! She loves girl talk as much as I do and whenever she calls, we love to talk about all of the things that girls love the most – make-up, nail polish colors, shoes, shopping, etc.


I love guys who are into feminization phone sex, either in real time or just on the phone during a fantasy roleplay. It’s so intimate when a man can share his deepest, most personal feelings of being feminized with me.


I’m experienced in all kinds of feminization phone sex roleplays, conversations or fantasies and I’d love to share a feminization phone sex call with you. Don’t be shy, pick up the phone and call my feminization phone sex line today.





My private blog: www.FeminizationByPhone.com

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